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  • Do you need sensors for sewage and slurry outflow monitoring?

    The CTG UviLux Effluent fluorimeter enables in-situ real-time reporting of levels of sewage and BOD within both natural water systems and water processing plants. By use of UV fluorescence, the UviLux Sewage Monitor detects protein which is inherent within sewage and slurry and provides a means of assessing concentrations of sewage and slurry in solution with unparalleled accuracy and resolution. The principle behind the measurement is based on fluorescence excitation of Tryptophan-like fluorescence, within the UV wavelength band. Use of such fluorescence provides signal detection far superior to absorption methods currently in use. Studies have shown that use of such fluorescence provides robust and repeatable measurements of sewage and slurry solutions, and correlates with both BOD and Bacterial Contamination.
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Are you involved in Climate Change Studies?

Are you involved in Climate Change Studies? If so, I think you’ll find this paper of interest “Carbon cycling and phytoplankton responses within highly-replicated shipboard carbonate chemistry manipulation experiments conducted around Northwest European Shelf Seas”, Biogeoscience Discuss., 11, 3489, 2014, S. Richier, E. P. Achterberg, C. Dumousseaud, A. J. Poulton, D. J. Suggett, T. Tyrrell, M. V. Zubkov, and C. M. Moore.
Download paper http://goo.gl/Z60HiI